18 thoughts on “Podcast #3: FFA, Farms, Farmers and Farming

  1. Thank God, a voice of reason in a world where troublesome ideology is slapping us in the face on a daily basis. (want some solar panels?)

    Stay safe my friend, your messages are badly needed by dazed and confused Americans during these turbulent times.

  2. I listened to the speech streamed live / I think it was electric to the people in that room. I have heard this speech before as I am a frequent audience. I think the ability that you have to motivate is put to use in this podcast. I wish more people saw the world in your worldview. I find it enlightening . I think it’s important to do podcasts and reach a ever wider audience with some sound principles.

  3. I also listened to this streaming live. Gave me goose bumps. Excellent message and so perfectly delivered. I’m glad someone talked you into putting this up.KZ

  4. Mike- I agree with a lot of what you say, but I think that the farmers have to take some responsibility, too, for the “disconnect” occurring here. Where I live, there are a (very) few small family farms and even a few homesteaders, but we are not in a largely agricultural area. I’ve never met a member of FFA, to my knowledge – I’m not even sure they have it around here.

    Rather than not using the word “Farmer” to describe themselves, isn’t it more to the point to educate the public. And I don’t mean by talking AT them. Until I grew my own gardens and raised my own chickens (pets with benefits, we say around here), I probably didn’t have a clue about what was really involved in putting food on the table.

    And I grew up in small towns, where growing a garden was a possibility, at least. But gone are the days when EVERYONE knew at least one serious farmer, and understood what it meant (if not personally, then at least by watching) to till a field, slaughter a pig, gather eggs.

    My granddaughters haven’t a clue, and I’m not altogether sure that we can blame them, their parents, or PETA, for that.

    Instead of focusing on recruiting Future Farmers from just kids who grew up on farms, maybe the FFA (at it now chooses to be known) should be thinking about recruiting some youngsters from small towns, suburbs and cities. Even if those kids don’t finally go into farming, they’ll have a much better idea of what goes into the meal on their table.

    And, in the interest of full disclosure, I should say that I am one of those people who eat a mainly – gasp! – vegetarian diet. I still respect anyone who hasn’t made the same choice I have and all I hope for is that animals raised for meat be treated well and dispatched humanely. I’m not some crazy who thinks no animals should be killed – I just have certain spiritual beliefs about good and bad energy, and think that everyone is affected in a ripple effect when bad things are done.

    I know that a lot of farmers DO treat their animals well – but, let’s face it, there’s some room for improvement, too. If farmers took the initiative to police their own ranks, those other “acronyms” wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. You’ve done shows in egg production facilities – do you think a battery hen is leading a good life? And you’ve worked at a hatchery – are the “boys” always dispatched humanely?

    There’s nothing easy about this issue – but it’s good to know that you are here, starting the discussion. It’s always a pleasure to listen to you! Thanks!

  5. As a Canadian young farmer, I agree with the disconnect of people with their food, even in rual communities. I believe it is mostly due to money people are looking else where for jobs as the agriculture industry does not make a large amount of profit and therefore the labour paid to the workers is minimal at best. I can understand why people don’t want to farm it is a long dirty and intensive job, with little breaks or rewards.I think you did a very good job of raising and presenting these issures, as they are long over due. Just don’t forget we have the same problems with the media up here as well. Thanks for your thoughts.


  6. No one seems to be getting the point these days. I my self was falling in to the mind-less world of the ones who put the farmer on the back burner, and it wasn’t until I started dating a local farmer that I really understood and realized what they actually go through and all for the little profit they get in return, with no recognition.

    People today may not be suffering but think about your children, and grandchildren and their future to come. During my weekly grocery shopping it never fails to amaze me, walking in to the meat section I hear at least 3 complaints about the roasts being to expensive, or the chicken is over priced, then they throw the package back on the shelf and walk away with a gloom of disappointment. These are the people that really have no idea of what real life is, they don’t think about the work that goes it to getting the meat, fruits and vegetables on the shelves of our local grocery stores. Next time your doing your groceries and you look at the price of the package of chicken you want for supper on Sunday, think about the price of the feed, the time the farmer took to raise the chicken, the electricity that was run in the barn day and night to keep the chicks warm, the bedding for the chicken coup, the cost to have the chickens killed cleaned and packed…… etc. the price on the package of chicken doesn’t cover the cost the farmer paid out.

    If everyone continues to live the way they are, soon there wont be enough farmers to provide our stores with what we need to live from day to day. by then it will be to late. i think its time we start taking in to consideration the long hours and hard work the farmer actually does.

    I could go on and on and on, but instead I just want to send a special thanks out to all the farmers of today, its hard work, and a dirty job from time to time, but I’m happy the food on my table is grown or produced locally, cause I really don’t know if I would enjoy those eggs imported from China…

  7. Wow. I didn’t know anything about farming until now and im shocked that it has come to this point of the possibility that we will get our food not from our homeland where millions of people are unemployed, but from some foreign country, even though we are still in a war with a foreign country because of oil. What will farmers be then, if any?! I’m still trying understand this at 3 in the morning but its because of animal rights activists? Because these FFA or whoever guys are basically convinced that America doesn’t want to be a part of the carnivorous(sp? If it is a word) process?

  8. Bravo Mike!

    Farmers are some of the hardest working and least appreciated people I know. And I DO know them, they are my friends and co-workers. Co-workers, because many have been forced out of farming or they take part time work to help pay the bills. They constantly fight the weather, the bugs, the economy, and the ever-changing regulations to bring my (and your) food to the table. I may be a “city” girl, but I am proud to live and work in Iowa โ€” a small part of this great country that was built on the strong backs of our farmers.

  9. Will our new generations realize that their survival is dependent upon our American farmers and their productivity before itโ€™s too late? At the rate we are going we will soon be importing a majority of our food supply form countries with few, if any, regulations to protect our health while we wither away as a society.

  10. Mike: I hear you loud and clear! I`m an egg farmer in southern Ontario. The future of farming in the U.S. or canada will not be determined by the 99% who feel farmers do a great job supplying safe and wholesome food but the 1% like peta and the american humane society who want to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak. We as farmers will continue to get more eggs per hen, more milk per cow, more corn per acre but a very few of the consuming public who yell the loudest and complain the most will get the majority of the recognition. We need more people like you Mike to explain it in layman’s terms. Thanks for the support. Gary in Ontario, Canada.snooz

  11. I am an active Board Member for the American Royal in Kansas City. americanroyal.com

    This is definitely the most comprehensive and compelling 12 minutes of agrarian information I have ever heard.

    WOW and thank YOU! I am energized…..

  12. Corporate greed has stolen our families foundation of productive farming and healthy lifestyle. Now families placed in cities that teach bad english to our young…

    03/08/62 ๐Ÿ™‚

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