In Another Time He Could Have Been a Star (Ep. 259)

I’m not often flustered, but if you want to see me utterly baffled on camera, check out this clip from this week’s podcast. My guest is the great Rick Beato, a ridiculously talented musician who has become famous for his amazing YouTube series, “What Makes This Song Great,” (which you should all be sure to watch.) I’ve wanted to meet Rick from the day I watched his first episode, and was thrilled to interview him last week. But moments before we started recording, he told me we’d already met – twice. In fact, we’d sat next to each other over 15 years ago at not one, but two separate weddings. And, we’d had long conversations each time.

It’s hard to describe just how weird a realization like that is, and what it does to that part of your brain charged with making sense of the world around you. It also changes the conversation you thought you were going to have, into the one you wind up having. Which I’m happy to say, was still a lot of fun. If you love music – any kind of music – you’re going to love Rick. You might even remember him, fifteen years from now…

Full episode