Off The Wall: 5 Minute Podcasts

“Mike – I’m loving the 5 minute podcasts! How long do they take to record? What’s the plan? How many will you do? When’s the next one come out? Will there be a cost to subscribe?”
Angela Ruley

Hi Angela, and thanks. A five minute podcast takes me exactly five minutes to record. Unfortunately, they take a lot longer to write. As Pascal said, “I have only made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter.”

Paul Harvey was a genius at creating a mood with just a few hundred words, and that takes a lot longer than actually recording the story itself, which I can do pretty much anywhere. Here for instance, I am in my closet, recording a story I wrote this morning. Note the fashion forward wardrobe strategically placed to deaden the sound, the state of the art technology capturing every subtlety and vocal nuance, as well as the civilized glass of Cabernet. (When recording a podcast in one’s closet, it’s important to remain hydrated. I’ve been told it also improves the listening experience.)

Right now, The Way I Heard It is an experiment. I posted the first six episodes at once to give people a sense of what they are.” The plan is to post a new one every Tuesday for the next few months. If people like them, I’ll write some more. Too early to tell at this point, but we’re already number 13 on iTunes, (whatever that means,) and I’m hopeful that lots of people with curious minds and a short attention spans might be intrigued enough to subscribe. We’ll see.

As for cost, there’s no charge to listen. Each story is sponsored by a company that supports our Work Ethic Scholarship Program, so it’s a great way for me to promote the foundation, as well as thank a few key companies for their support.

If you have a few minutes, give ‘em a listen, and tell me what you think. Collectively, you guys are the only focus group I trust anymore. And stay hydrated this weekend!

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