Blogs / Articles

  • How Will You Know If mikeroweWORKS Is A Success? July 7, 2009How Will You Know If mikeroweWORKS Is A Success?I know that mikeroweWORKS is not even a year old, so this is probably going to be an impossible question to answer. What has to happen for you to consider this a success? Is merely getting the word out to the masses and those in power enough? Do programs have to be started/implemented? Does trade school enrollment have to bump more...
  • U.S. News: Why Dirty Jobs are Green July 1, 2009U.S. News: Why Dirty Jobs are GreenThe Discovery Channel star explains the nitty-gritty of Dirty Jobs By Liz Wolgemuth Posted: July 1, 2009 Mike Rowe’s moment of illumination was properly cringe-inducing for a man whose television show is called Dirty Jobs. The articulate and intrepid Discovery Channel star was in the middle of a lamb castration, weighing the widely used method of wrapping bands above the animal’s testicles to more...
  • United We Stand? Are Unions Still Relevant Today? June 30, 2009United We Stand?  Are Unions Still Relevant Today?What are your views on the effectiveness and usefulness of Union organizations and the decision to go on strike to achieve their goals and demands? The role of unions, and their relevance, has changed over the years. Personally, I’m of the mind that certain industries still justify their existence, while other do not. But one thing is certain – once a more...
  • Father’s Day al Fresco Fiasco – by Mike Rowe June 19, 2009Father's Day al Fresco Fiasco - by Mike RoweWhen I was eight years old, my Father bought a picnic table at a yard sale for a dollar. A whole picnic table, complete with two separate benches. For one dollar. He brought the thing home in the back of the old station wagon – the one with fake wood paneling on the side – and summoned his wife and sons to more...
  • Career Choice Priorities June 6, 2009Career Choice PrioritiesLetter to Mike and company I saw your talk on wanted to tell you..  I have a 19 year old son who watches your program religiously. He’s a very bright kid; talked for a long time about going into law. A year or so ago..I stopped hearing so much about that. He graduates from highschool in a week or so. more...
  • What Color Is Your Collar and Does It Limit or Matter When Looking For The “Good Life”? June 2, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler In reading some of your writings I wondered if you feel blue-collar workers are better, work harder or are happier than white-collar workers? Is wishing for a better life for our children limited to one or the other “collars” or is it just the universal hope for “the good life” for our families? — M The reason more...
  • William of Occam, the American Economy and Jumping Off Buildings – huh? June 1, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler: Q:  At the risk of sounding like an anarchist, or worse, “anti-American” (whatever the hell that means) can I postulate the obvious..Ocham’s Razor, as it were… Won’t most Consumers want to pay the best price for the best version of the commodity they wish to purchase, be it a car or a house or a Washing Machine? more...
  • From the Water Cooler: Ford Pays for its Prudence May 30, 2009May 30, 2009 I was waiting at the Toyota dealer for my 30,000 checkup, it took forever. While sitting with other people in the same situation (i.e. trapped without our vehicles) we began talking, of course about cars and bailouts and dealerships. Several people said their next car would be a Ford, they wanted to reward them for not taking bailout more...
  • Mike Rowe – So, where were we… May 26, 2009May 25, 2009 Ah yes, I remember – changing the way the way the country feels about hard work, celebrating the trades, and challenging the prevailing definition of a “good job.” It’s all coming back to me. Forgive my scarcity here of late – distractions mount from all sides, as vocation and vacation collide with personal injury and holiday festivities. Let’s work backwards. more...
  • Mike Rowe – Maximist or Minimalist? May 19, 2009From Mike’s forum on Discovery: Q: I was wondering have your views changed on being a minimalist? I have a friend who has a lot of money. I hate to spend money. I have always said I would never pay a lot for a car, but my friend just paid $100,000 for a vehicle, to her that was inexpensive. She feels more...
  • Mike’s Initial Launch Mission Video Transcript May 3, 2009Mike's Initial Launch Mission Video TranscriptMonday, September 1, 2008 “Ok, Here we go…Hello America, it’s me, Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe here to talk to you on Labor Day at approximately 6:15 in the evening from my “palatial” home in beautiful San Francisco about I figured Labor Day would be the perfect day to talk to you about this website because it more...
  • Is it really about the AIG Bonuses?? March 25, 2009From MRW Water Cooler: Q: We were lucky enough to get quarterly bonuses for the last two years. This was in lieu of a hourly raise. When things in the company got tight, bonuses were cut. It wasn’t so difficult to adjust to, though, because it wasn’t money we were used to having every paycheck. It was BONUS. I’m thinking this more...
  • Mike’s Letter to President Obama March 11, 200930 January 2009 President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC “For everywhere we look, there is work to be done.” Dear Mr. President, Much of what you said on January 20tt struck a chord, but nothing matched the simplicity or truth of that particular observation. I am awed by the task at hand, and compelled to tell you about mikeroweWORKS, a public awareness campaign designed more...
  • Mike Offers a Potential Eagle Scout His Eagle Perspective March 1, 2009Still: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent…okay maybe not so clean!  From Mike’s forum on Discovery: Q: Mike, I’m not sure where I heard that you are an Eagle Scout, which brings me to my question. Could you PLEASE take a moment & post to my 13 year old son Kelby & encourage him to finish more...
  • The Only One Responsible for My Own Safety is Me March 1, 2009From MRW Water Cooler: Q: My husband works on the oilrigs as a well tester. We watched you folks do so without any eye protection! Are you crazy? Drilling a hole with no protective eyewear? Between him, a well tester, and me, a workers’ compensation lawyer, we’re cringing! Somebody could LOSE AN EYE! Seriously – Safety First, fellas! I would expect more...