Blogs / Articles

  • Potential and Limits on this “War on Work” February 6, 2009From the mrW Water Cooler Q: This is my first post ever on a website with my name on it. Hope it works. – Belinda Hi Belinda, First of all, you appear to have a pulse and a computer, which makes you part of the “target audience.” Congratulations. Secondly, I don’t plan to “glorify” work. I only mean to suggest that defining it more...
  • Disdain it…Walk away from it? February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: Mike: It seems to me like you absolutely disdain anything Hollywood, or Star Quality, etc. I got that impression from past comments you have made. So what are you gonna do now that you are basically “in it”? I’ve read the following passage that you wrote: “With Dirty Jobs, I simply miscalculated. I didn’t really think more...
  • Passion Can Be Fickle February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: It was suggested to me that I make a new thread on this subject. I was puzzled by the first “habit” of never following your passion. Why not? Would you do me the favor of expounding on that and the other six? Thank you. -FruityNut Fruity, Regarding work, careers, and happiness – I think the pat advice to “Follow more...
  • Consider Quitting February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: Hi, Mike – You have offered the following advice: Consider quitting. Makes sense. However, having read your bio, various interviews, and your self-authored articles & MB missives, I haven’t found an example of you quitting an ongoing job. There is definitely a lot written about you intentionally taking jobs with questionable futures and, of course, more...
  • A Marriage of Opposites! February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: Many of your past arguments have touted logic when it comes to the expectations of your fans and the business you are in. Being famous, whatever the level you see yourself in, is held by a code of your own reasoning that should keep you clear headed and knowing who you are and where more...
  • Under promise, over deliver. February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Dear Mike, I so admire your ability to jump in to any situation and give it your all. You seem so confident, capable, and self-assured. My question to you would be– In your adult life, is there anything you have attempted, or wanted to accomplish, that you have not been able to complete? Thanks so much, Marla (If Mike has more...
  • Okay Mike, now a question about advertising mikeroweWORKS February 6, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler Q: Hello again Mike, I have found that even though I don’t have much to contribute to most conversations on this site, I am pretty good at asking a lot of questions so I hope you will bear with me. Perhaps this question has come up previously but good lord man, this website is growing by more...
  • What is Brown Before Green? February 6, 2009Here at mikeroweWORKS, we believe that everything was brown before it was green and that’s where people should start. Or so we think anyway. Watch the video and see what the term “Brown Before Green” actually means. From Mike’s Forum on Discovery: “Human beings are embedded in nature. I think the implications of this run much deeper than our requesting improved pollution more...
  • Warm Planet…Cold Heart? February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: But in the grand scheme of things to feel grouchy about, it just seems so very small. –Jeanine Hi Jeanine Small? What if – and I know this sounds nutty – but what if our warming planet has nothing at all to do with fossil fuel and carbon output, or any other man made thing? What if more...
  • Maximists or Minimalists? February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: a) If you are a minimalist and don’t want things, what do you perceive as the purpose of having money? Is it to have something to benefit others and to be able to give when needed? Or just to be able to retire at an age when you are still young enough to enjoy more...
  • Mike is not following his passion but taking it with Him! February 6, 2009From Mike’s Mud Room on Q: Dear Mike Rowe, -Lisa Uh..Oh. I have visited your modest website, mikeroweWORKS. You have a pretty good idea but although your intentions are good ones sir, you are preaching to the choir. I don’t mean to be. If my intent were to reach choir members, I’d have simply used The Mudroom to sound off. Setting up a new more...
  • Immigration Regarding Immigration, both Legal & Illegal February 6, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler Q:Well, I’ve already posted on unions, which could potentially be a contentious topic. So, I may as well go ahead and step right in it, since I already have my boots on. Another topic that’s been on my mind as I read the posts in this forum is: IMMIGRATION. Actually, I’ve been thinking more about illegal more...
  • Funding mrW February 6, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler Q: What am I doing to form mikeroweWorks? That is what I’m finding myself pondering. Mike is not up for a decent discussion. He hangs around the break room or derails work room threads. I’ve been thinking that he is tapped out by discussing this with everyone and their brother. I can’t blame him for that. -???Kathy ??Hi more...
  • Hi Mike. MikeroweWORKS? February 6, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler Q: Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve. I’m sure it will be great. -Twane Twane, If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this business, it’s the importance of managing expectations. That usually means lowering them. Allow me to do so now. What you will see this evening at is merely a holding page. On it, more...
  • mikeroweWORKS February 6, 2009From the MRW Water Cooler Q: I’m not sure I fully understand what you are doing but I am hoping that you will shine the light on it soon. -Mandy Hi Mandy, that makes two of us. Let me tell you what I know for sure. Dirty Jobs has survived far beyond it’s anticipated shelf life. It’s still on today because the viewers of more...